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    The bibliography project was originally set up under the direction of Antoine Sirois, professor emeritus of the Université de Sherbrooke. The team of researchers has included Professors Robert Edwards, Patricia Godbout, Pamela Grant, Gregory Reid and Winfried Siemerling, at the Université de Sherbrooke; Professor Kathy Mezei, at Simon Fraser University; and Professor Hugh Hazleton, at Concordia University. Joanna Daxell and Maria van Sundert, a research librarian, each held the position of head research assistant for a number of years. John Taylor-Johnston was the original technician and technologies advisor for the project; these duties have now been assumed by technicians at the Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines of the Université de Sherbrooke. Retired Professors David M. Hayne and Jean Vigneault are also past contributors.

    Graduate students from the Comparative Canadian Literature programme at the Université de Sherbrooke, from Simon Fraser University , and from Concordia University have performed invaluable research work for the project over the years. Recent graduate student researchers include Joanna Daxell, Simon Gilbert, Jackie Hall, Eva Milanovic, François Martel, Caroline Rivard, Jonathan Séguin, and Sarah Théberge at the Université de Sherbrooke, Alessandra Capperdoni at Simon Fraser University, and Ana-Maria Kerekes at Concordia University. Past research assistants include Melissa Blandford, Jacinthe Boisvert, Lise Boyer, Catherine Campbell, Natasha Dagenais, François Desharnais, Céline Desaulniers, Karine Flamand, Carole Fontaine, Katia Hamati, Sylvie Hertrich, Christine Hopps, Marie-France Lafaille, Stefanie Leblanc, Michelle Lepitre, Daniel Lewis, Marielle Mencé, Leslie Rempel, Pierrette Richard, Narvadha Salaye, Chantal Samson, Louise Trudel, and Elspeth Tulloch from the Université de Sherbrooke, Stefania Forlini from Simon Fraser, and Jennifer Faucher at Concordia University.

    Since 2009, the bibliography project has been associated with a new research group at the Université de Sherbrooke, the Research Group for Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies in and Quebec . Research group members will continue to work on updating the bibliography, as well as linking it with other projects and bibliographies with which members of the research group are affiliated, including  Zones of Tension (Roxanne Rimstead), Culture from Below  (Roxanne Rimstead), and La littérature anglo-québécoise: institutions, textes, traductions, territorialité (Gregory Reid).


    This project is funded by a grant from:
    Funded by the SSHRCC / Subventionné par le CRSH
    in partnership with:
    Université de Sherbrooke   Simon Fraser University   Concordia University

    © https://applis.flsh.usherbrooke.ca/ccl/ - Département des lettres et communications - Université de Sherbrooke
    Programming : J.T. Johnston; FLSH / Design : David Pickup
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