Previously researched material
Current research Journals: Voix et images Vol. ? - ? (Jonathan)Database searches: MLA Bibliography 1886-1962. 92 pages. Accessed 06-06. Ordering relevant entries for processing by RAs (Joanna 30-03-07) Proquest. Since 22-10-05, new full text entries in Proquest processed as they are included into the Proquest db (through email alerts). (Joanna) Other material: Earl E. Fitz Inter American bibliography: http://www.uiowa.edu/uiowapress/interamerican/current+i1.html. Processing ca 100 entries for inclusion in db (Jackie 30-03-07)
Researched Material Researched Journals: Etudes littéraries 34 #1-2 to 37 (François) Tangence: #1 to #77 (François)
Researched Databases: CAIRN (keywords: littérature, Canada, canadienne, Québec) Date: 27-03-07 (Joanna)
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Programming : J.T. Johnston; FLSH / Design : David Pickup
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