Black Rose Books
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Economy and Society, Coll. «Critical Perspectives on Historic Issues 10», Montréal, Black Rose Books, 2002 (2001), 454 (524).

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Economy and Society
Autres éléments bibliographiques
Critical Perspectives on Historic Issues 10
Black Rose Books
2002 (2001)
454 (524)
1551641860 (br.), 1551641879 (rel.)
Autres données
Essai socio.
P. J. Devine, Fikret Adaman, éd.
23 cm
BAC + banq + catalogue éditeur
Comprend références bibliographiques et un index "A Publication of the Institute of Policy Alternatives of Montreal" "Black Rose Books EE300" Catalogue indique publication en 2001, 524 pages et prix: 39.99/68.99 "Essays that interpret the history of economic thought and monetary theory".