Black Rose Books
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David Poole. Land and Liberty, Montréal, Black Rose Books, 1977, 156, ill., portr.

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David Poole
Land and Liberty
Autres éléments bibliographiques
Black Rose Books
156, ill., portr.
Autres données
Essai polit.
Introduction de David Poole. Compilation de David Poole (??)
22 cm
BAC + banq
comprend références bibliographiques (p. 146-156) Édition originale: Sanday, Écosse: Cienfuegos Press, 1977 "This collection of articles under the titles Land and Liberty was first published by the Organizing Junta of the Mexican Liberal Party in Los Angeles, California, in 1913... the articles contained in Land and Liberty were first published in Regeneracions during the years 1910-1912".