Black Rose Books
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The Anarchist Papers, Montréal, Black Rose Books, 1986, 175.

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The Anarchist Papers
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Black Rose Books
0920057586 (pch), 0920057578 (rel.)
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Dimitrios I. Roussopoulos, éd.
23 cm
Première édition Comprend bibliographie. Textes: Theses on libertarian municipalism (Murray Bookchin), The Greens: Nationalism or Anti-Nationalism (Chris Southcott, George Pedersen), Culture and Coercion (J. Frank Harrison), Paul Goodman: The Anarchist as Conservator (George Woodcock), The Fate of Marxism (Cornelius Castoriadis), The Manufacture of Consent (Noam Chomsky), The Poverty of Autonomy: The Failure of Wolff's Defence of Anarchism (Graham Baugh), Democratizing Utopia: Environmentalism, Anarchism, Feminism (Thomas W. Simon), Emma Goldman and Women (Alice Ruth Wexler), Emma Goldman: The Case for Anarcho-Feminism (Marsha Hewitt).