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       Frequently Asked Questions   

    Q: What language should I use for keywords?

    A: You may search in both English and French. The language in which an article or work is written is the language of the entry and thus the language of the keywords used.

    Q: Do I use accents on my search terms? For example, does it make a difference if I use “Quebec” or “Québec” as a search term?

    A: The search engine does not recognize accents, so it makes no difference to your search whether you include them or not.

    Q: Can I contribute entries to the Bibliographic database?

    A: Yes, we welcome contributions. Please click here.

    This project is funded by a grant from:
    Funded by the SSHRCC / Subventionné par le CRSH
    in partnership with:
    Université de Sherbrooke   Simon Fraser University   Concordia University

    © https://applis.flsh.usherbrooke.ca/ccl/ - Département des lettres et communications - Université de Sherbrooke
    Programming : J.T. Johnston; FLSH / Design : David Pickup
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